Otaku Konnect, is the Zimbabwean organization behind upcoming and first anime convention, OTAKUKON. This year OTAKUKON introduces discounted group tickets for their upcoming anime convention. This is an innovative offer and ground-breaking in the local convention space . This offer aims to attract more anime fans and enthusiasts to the convention. This will grow the anime culture in Zimbabwe by making it more affordable and fun.
The discounted group tickets are available in two versions: a 5-person ticket and a 10-person ticket. The 5-person ticket, dubbed the Nakama Ticket costs $30 and allows entry for five people to the convention. The 10-person ticket, aptly named the Pirate Crew Ticket costs $50 and allows entry for ten people to the convention. These tickets offer a great saving compared to the regular individual ticket price of $8. However, the best part is that the attendees will still enjoy the full benefits of full priced ticket.
The discounted group tickets will first be released for OTAKUKON’s half-day mini con called “Anime, Merch & Nakama.” This event will take place on June 25 at the Green Screen outdoor cinema in Mount Pleasant. This mini-con is a movie day combined with a merch fair and gaming competition while featuring a $50 cosplay competition. The past event screened Jujutsu Kaisen:0 and June may feature the upcoming Black Clover movie. After the movie comes the set up of stalls selling anime merchandise, manga, figures, clothing, accessories and cosplay. It will also host a gaming competition where participants can compete in various anime-themed games, such as Naruto Shippuden: UNS4.
OTAKUKON founder Archie Moyo said: “We are thrilled to launch this offer for our anime convention. We believe that discounted group tickets will make our event more appealing and accessible for anime fans. Our goal is to create a community and a culture where people can enjoy anime together and make new friends. We hope that this offer will help us achieve that vision. This is especially true for our second event which also features some exciting local creators.”
OTAKUKON is an anime convention that was founded in 2023 by Moyo, an avid anime fan and entrepreneur. OTAKUKON’s mission is to provide a platform and a space for anime lovers and creators in Zimbabwe share their passion. OTAKUKON plans to host its main convention in August this year, featuring more activities, such as cosplay contests, panels, workshops, guest speakers,. The full-day event promises to bring in a bigger crowd and cater for more aspects of the fandom.
For more information about OTAKUKON and its events, visit www.otakukon.com or follow @Otakukonnect on Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and Instagram.
Archie Moyo
Founder of OTAKUKON
Email: archie@otakukon.com
Phone: +263 77 121 1756